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Industrial Sports Medicine™

Prevent workforce injuries to decrease lost-work days, eliminate OSHA recordables, improve productivity - and save money.

Worker discomfort is costing you time and money

Workers with musculoskeletal pain lose an average of 5.5 hours of productive time every week costing companies billions of dollars each year. Surprisingly, most of the time lost (76.6%) is due to reduced work performance by employees experiencing physical discomfort, not absenteeism (Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center).

Preventing worker discomfort and addressing early signs of injury are proven to save companies time and money, all while improving worker satisfaction and reducing turnover.

Industrial Sports Medicine™ is proven to reduce discomfort and increase productivity

Industrial Sports Medicine™ is the all-encompassing injury prevention solution from Briotix Health to ensure the health and wellbeing of employees working in the industrial setting. With a focus on early intervention, our Providers work in your facilities to manage discomforts and identify and control risk factors your employees face. This proactive approach to employee wellbeing significantly reduces the number and severity of workplace injuries and leads to increased worker productivity.

Our Providers resolve 93% of employees' reports of discomfort without advancing them to an OSHA recordable injury.

Through early intervention and discomfort management, personalized job coaching, physical conditioning, job hazard analysis, and more, our Industrial Sports Medicine solution has been proven to help clients:

Increase employee productivity
Reduce lost-work days
Decrease OSHA recordables
Lower workers’ compensation claims and costs


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How Industrial Sports Medicine™ works

Our floor-level approach connects employees and service partners in the workplace, eliminating communication deficits with 3rd party vendors or employee initiatives.

Industrial Sports Medicine Professionals average 3.34 direct employee encounters every hour

Direct Engagements

Industrial Sports Medicine™ Providers work directly with employees in the workplace, meeting them at their workstations or assigned locations to ensure safety and proactively identify risks and potential discomforts.

Indirect Engagements

Providers can't be everywhere at once, which is why they identify high-traffic employee areas to post materials with important safety topics. Virtual options are also provided to reach your entire workforce.

Work System Integrations

Briotix Health systems are built to seamlessly integrate into existing communication systems to streamline employee outreach through regular newsletters and employee discomforts self-reporting systems.

Customized solution, built to grow with you

28% of Industrial Sports Medicine™ clients expanded their service offerings in 2023.

A Scalable Program

Briotix Health offers onsite and virtual services in all 50 states and globally so as your program grows, we are positioned to offer the same, premium solution regardless of location.

Virtual and Onsite Support

Regardless of employee location, shift time, or job function, we deliver personalized care. Employees have 24/7 virtual access to report discomforts, complete trainings, and learn from self-help resources.

Reduce Supervisor Workloads

Let our Providers manage worker discomfort and musculoskeletal injuries so your supervisors can focus on other priorities and improve relationships between supervisors and employees.

ISM Provider working with employee
Cummins ISMPs

Proven Results

[Case Study Exerpt]

Providers trained employees at a client site on injury prevention strategies - backed by data gathered onsite - resulting in a 9% increase in employee productivity. Overall employee loads were drastically reduced and front-end staff reported better interactions with customers and staff.

Industrial Sports Medicine™ client, big box retailer

[Client Testimonial]

"We ended 2023 with zero recordables related to ergo and our first aid numbers decreased by 16% from 2022. A key factor in this is all the hard work [our ISM Providers] are doing. I can’t wait to continue this partnership in 2024.”

Lee Doyle, HSE Leader at Cummins, Mineral Point

Quality. Support. Success.

Watch the video to see how Industrial Sports Medicine™ can work for you.

Improve productive time for your workforce

Pain is a common and debilitating issue among American workers. Every year, it's believed that the economy takes a hit exceeding 50 billion dollars from pain-induced conditions, which diminish productivity by impairing work performance (Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center).